♥ Azura's Envoy Biography ♥




Thursday, March 26, 2015

To Begin.. Our Life Journey

Allah sometimes removes a person from your life for your own good. Don't run after them. So taking a step back, it's quite obvious how beautiful Allah planned our lives isn't it ? 
For every step of the way, He has never left us alone, there will always be someone who would be us. So, sama sama aim Syurga, shall we ?
Which is to put our best effort forward in anything that we do. And the truth is the only thing that we can measure relatively is just our efforts. And the rest ? lt is for Him to decide. All the endpoints are in His Hands. All the stories of how our life will proceed are all in His Plans. Trust Him, l think that's what He wanted most from us. ln shaa Allah.


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Rindu Sama Budak Gumux Ketat2...

Salam sume, dah lame gamaknye x update blog ni.. bkn pe xde cite best yg nk share ngn kowg sume... cuti semester 2 bulan pun xde wat ape2 lepaking kt umah je ngn family... tapi sejak 2 minggu kebelakangan ni rase makin boring plak pasal Budak Gumux (Insyirah) xde kat umah, balik umah nenek dia.. Emmm lagi ler bosan idup ni.. bkn ape kalau dia ade tu hari2 leh gaduh ngn dia.. leh gurau2..leh pukul2 dia.. badan tembam mmg best klu main tibai2 slalu hehehe.. tp bile dia xde ni rase cm KOSONG...KOSONG...KOSONG (ala2 Najwa LatiF hehe..) Bile la gamaknye budak ni nak balik sini... Rindu kamu ketat2 laa... haishh...

Sedar x sedar dah nk masuk 9 thn dah umur Budak Gumux ni.. alahai dah bsar dah.. dah nak jadi anak dara pun.. Smoge dia jadi anak yg solehah ye?? Amin.

Tadi mak aku ade call dia..kitowg mmg sngaje xnak call dia sbb kitowg tau klu call dia mesti time tu jugak dia nak balik sini.. hahaha.. tapi sbb dah xtahan rindu call la jugak tanya khabar.. time call tu dia leh ckp kat mak aku.. "Leh x irra balik?? nanti minggu depan irra balik la umah nenek lagi.. boleh x?" Oleh kerana xsmpai ati ngn dia..kitowg pun ngn nada jual mahal pun cakap "balik jelah!"... padahal dlm hati ALLAH je tau huhu..especially aku la.. :) Mak aku pun slalu ckp kalau ade Budak Gumux ni mesti banyak keje nak buat..tp kalau xde bosan pulak umah rase sunyi...Tulah aku pun rase yg sama.. yelah sblum ni paling lama dia balik umah nenek pun paling kuat seminggu je tu pun dah rase cam lame ni kan pulak 2 minggu adehhh... lagi la APTB kan??? hahaha..

Lagi 2 minggu jugak scool dah nak bermula.. brg2 keperluan Budak Gumux ni satu ape pun blum shopping lagi ni... mak aku pun risau gak pasal pe hujung minggu ni mak ade function kat umah... minggu depan lagi pun ade function gak... Last minute gakla gamaknye shopping brg2 keperluan scool budak ni... Tapi bgus jugak last2 minute sbb aku gerenti skg ni msti shopping complex sume ramai ngn parents yg ngah sibuk shopping utk anak2 diowg..at least time last minute tu harap2 xramai la umat manusia dah kan??

Masuk darjah 4 ni dah kira fasa ke-2 dah... fasa pertama done! Fasa ke-2 ni yg aku rase lebih mncabar kot.. Yelah mase ni la nak kene teach Budak Gumux ni mcm2... bkn stakat hal2 berkaitan pelajaran je... hal2 kewanitaan pun wajib gak mane la tau kan?? Budak2 skg ni dah "advance" x macam zaman kite dulu2... "Advance" tu dalam erti kata lain cepat dalam segi perubahan suasana sekeliling.. kalau dulu umur standard utk "Period" (Datang Bulan) mgkin dlm lingkungan 12 thn ke atas tapi skg ni umur 9 thn pun dah ade yg dah "Period"... Betapa pantasnye dan advancenye budak2 skg... tapi aku rase mgkin faktor pemakanan kot kan? Byk sgt bahan kimia yg para pengusaha ni letak dalam makanan harian kita.. sbb tulah macam2 jugak penyakit yg dihidapi budak2 remaja zaman skg ni... klu dulu sakit jantung, darah tinggi, kencing manis sume kite dengar penyakit orang2 dewasa...skg ni budak2 kecik pun dah dapat penyakit yg sama..Nauzubillah.. ni sume berpunca dari makanan jugakla tu... tapi nak wat camne kan? Dah itu je sumber kita utk terus hidup kalau xmakan nanti mati lak kang... Makan utk teruskan Hidup.. redha jelah... eh salah pasrah jelah... Redha tu ikhlas..masalahnye ikhlas ke? xkot kan? pasrah tu berserah...so berserah jelah....emmm... dah macam filem Ombak Rindunye dialog la... hahaha...

Haaa...sblum aku melalut ke tempat lain baik aku berenti setakat ni je... tujuan asal post ni utk luahkan rase rindu kat Budak Gumux je tapi dah sampai ke lain plak kan??? hahaha... Pada sesape yg sudi baca post kat blog aku ni... thousand thanks kat kowg sume...Lenkali baca la lagi k? Sekadar utk perkongsian bersama je nothing more... Thanks again and take care...

Thursday, August 9, 2012

For You To See...

Time for an update! It's nearly six months... 

A lot has been going through my head, and lately I've been an introvert (or perhaps through out my entire life). I guess I just need someone to talk to hahahahaha. Just a regular chit chat, socialization. And perhaps I might spill some beans if I feel like it's the right time. But the way I see it as being a totally positive thing would be the moment I land myself on a job.

Yeah... It's been like what... nearly 9 months of unemployment now, (makin gumux mak nyah tanam anggur je kat umah...hahahahaha) with no fixed income and the burden of having to submit 10 job applications every 2 weeks just for some survival money, but every application always ends with a "No Reply". Rarely will I get a reply, but it's usually a rejection letter... So in statistic terms, When I submit an application, 99% would be a no reply and 1% is a reply. And in that 1%, 99.99% is a rejection letter and the remainder would be expressing their gratitude for my application  but they're not hiring anyone at the moment. 

Oh well... life goes on... just like that. Really hoping to land into something before my 1 year mark. That would be totally embarrasing for not being able to get a job within a year....  Ahhh if only learning these things is like gaining weight. (bukan setakat malu je, tapi bosan pun ade asyik terperap je kat umah ni... haishh!!!) Hopefully, someone will call me for job interview soon. (Tak tahan dak mak nyah asyik melepok je kat umah ni, blik2 mngadap assignments yg lecturers bagi utk disiapkan, rasa nak muntah pun ade tapi demi untuk carrymarks yg maybe boleh membanggakan diri sendiri n mak abah aku harungi jua... adehhh..) 

Anyways, I guess that's all for today's update. Will see you soon guys.. Cheers!!! 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Is Counting Day For My Final Exam

Wow, it has been a year since my last wrote? That's crazy, and what a bust and chaotic thirteen months that it has been!
Let's do a brief update. Well, right now I’m counting forward for not less than 30 days to go to my final exam. I’ve completely done nothing within these week, three assignments left made me wanna burn myself alive, I can’t even organize my own lunch, dinner, even my breakfast time.(before fasting month ok? but my weight still not reduce even one kg.. LOL) Every time I have an hour to read or just doing the simple calculation it will end up on browsing every website that I never wanted to go before, checking inbox in my email even I know that I already setup the mail alert for each new mail coming, now I have almost four hundred unread mails in my inbox, also I have yet to open my own twitter profile that I always change while log on to that social networking site.
I need to study for my final exam, oppsss sorry, I “must” study. Ok, I need to change my method then. If I can’t study because of this technology-human-made called Internet, so I just study on it :mrgreen:
Obviously, you can stop reading this post if you want to, but if you keep insisted, please keep silent and lower your voice when read it [Don't disturb, I'm Studying] huhu... Anyway please wish me luck on my coming exam guys, I really need your pray for me. I'm really struggling hard for my coming final exam. I'm having a super hard time with the thought of coming to terms with the exam. It's still weird to even think about it! *SIGH* it has been tough! really tough..

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My Special Night on 26th May 2010

With my BFFs.  Bittersweet memories that is all Im taking with me.
I wanna say milions thanks to you guys especially to Mr Abni. Im so proud to be your friend! I always pray that you all are blessed!

They brought me to the wonderful restaurant, Le Chateau de Puah Restaurant to celebrate my victory! I still remember my wish on NEW YEAR EVE..new resolution is mine, of coz I wanna work harder to achieve my dreams in years to come. I have learnt so much in 2009..good and bad. From there, I get to see what I am and how am I suppose to fix it. I want to be a graduated from college and become a kind hearted (always smiling never cursing) driver each passing days. Yeah..that were my new year 2010 wishes and NOW!! Thank God! My exam's result is released!! I have passed  with distinction. Unbelievable!!!

For my dearie bestfriend ever, Key..I wish to you, joy and happiness!   ''=.=''

I hope life treats you kind and I hope you have all you've dreamed of !
Thank you so much guys!!!!!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hush Hush ~ I Will Survive

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day Mum......

your encouragements, supports and love have helped me grow to what I am now!
Thanks Mum for brighted up my life.. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MUM....
You are not only my mother but you're my bestfriend too.. Our lives have changed ever since we first became friends on the first day I was born! I'm so glad to be your friend and daughter....so glad our friendship has grown along with us..